Breakthrough at Brotherton Farm


Chickamauga, Georgia September 20, 1863 – On the second day of the Battle of Chickamauga, late in the morning of September 20, 1863, Union Commanding General William Rosecrans orders Brigadier General Thomas J. Woods’ Division to move. This action leaves an opening in the Federal line. By chance, at the same moment, Confederate General James Longstreet orders his Corps to advance into this gap. The result of this coincidence is the withdrawal of the Union Army to Chattanooga.

“Breakthrough at Brotherton Farm” depicts the 17th Tennessee of Bushrod Johnson’s Division after they have crossed the Lafayette Road and passed the Brotherton farm buildings.  To their front is a clear field with no apparent resistance; the Federal Army is in full retreat.  Soon after this action comes the Siege of Chattanooga and General U.S. Grant taking command of the Union Army.

“When Rosecrans opens a hole in the Union line by moving Gen. Woods’ Division, I find it a great irony that by chance Gen. Longstreet advances his Corps into that gap at the same moment!”

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