September 17, 1862, Sharpsburg, Maryland – The bloodiest day in American history
My painting, “Hill, you are Badly Needed” is my interpretation of this meeting between Gen. Robert E. Lee & Gen. A.P. Hill when Lee directed Hill to the Confederate right to put pressure on Burnside’s corps’ advance and cover the retreat route across the Potomac.
When I say interpretation, I mean MY interpretation. Other than knowing that there was a meeting between Lee and Hill, there is no known primary source information describing the meeting. What we do know is from an account from Lt. William Owen who was with Washington artillery. He recorded that Lee had his arm in a sling due to a fall from his horse Traveler at the Battle of 2nd Manasses. I placed the meeting in the grove just west of the town where Lee’s headquarters was located which allowed a good view of the Confederate right.
I hope my interpretation of this scene helps clarify an important historical moment.